Ceritanya tadi lagi iseng ngebuka situs majalah Gadis, dan di kategori Gaya >> Cantik nemu ini: PS: fashionishing.com Buhyoooo.... Ini... ini Double Braids-nya Elie Saab. Cantiiiik, pengen coba bikin. Tapi tapi, keingetan kalo saya ini masih payah banget masalah beginian. Caranya membagi bagian rambut aja masih belum lancar, hiks. Kalo ada yang berminat bikin, bisa dilihat nih caranya. Saya copas dari fashionishing.com , hehe (kalau ada waktu senggang, coba aja mampir kesana. Banyak info menarik, lho). How to: Elie Saab’s haute couture braided chignon . Prep hair by using a volume boosting spray in the roots of your dry hair. Leave the product in your roots for about two minutes and then blast a hairdryer on high heat on your entire head. Create a centre parting, straight from the front of the hairline, down to the nape of the neck. You should have two sections of hair by this stage; clip one out of the way. Starting from the fr...
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